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We Are Here to Help You Repair / Fix Your Bad Credit


Here at Reclaim Credit Solutions we take our job and your Credit Repair needs very seriously. Aiming to become one of the top leaders in the industry with 3 sure methods of credit repair and our understanding of the applicable consumer protection laws, we can help leverage your legal rights and implement the best legal practices of removing those elements that are outdated, erroneous, or inaccurate that appear on your report.


Errors are common in credit reporting. Many errors are hard to identify without the right experience and knowledge of the laws that of credit reporting industry and its participants. With so many factors that affect your FICO CREDIT SCORE, some are a matter of common sense and others are technical mistakes.


Our credit repair program will help you from bankruptcies, tax liens, to charge-offs to late payments, we like the challenges that come as a credit repair company. Our extensive education in the credit repair field combined with being a CPN Number & Tradelines provider helps many clients to turn their lives around and get the FICO SCORES they wish for.


Is Credit Repair is Right for You?


Our Credit Repair program should be a must for everybody. If you are in debt, have troubles with collectors, or are unable to pay your bills, Reclaim Credit Solutions can help you to clear the path for recovery through our NO FALSE POLICE REPORT based Credit Repair Program. If you have concerns about the accuracy and integrity of your credit report and want to improve your total FICO SCORE, we have an amazing effective solution.


What to Expect from Our Credit Repair Program?


Our program is very unique from others programs... ALTHOUGH WE DISPUTE INDIVIDUAL ITEMS WITH THE BUREAUS THEY WILL USUALLY THROW THE REQUEST BACK NEXT MONTH! SO WE HAVE A CREDITOR LITIGATION PROGRAM THAT IS ALMOST ALWAYS EFFECTIVE IN RESTORING CREDIT BY FILING A LAWSUIT AGAINST THEM FOR DAMAGING YOUR REPUTATION PUBLICLY THROUGH CREDIT REPORTING THE NEGATIVES! We designed our credit repair program to work as quickly as possible, but be aware that an average process can take 1-3 Months and the average cost to get started is $375 for one sweep.


Our advanced credit repair system gives us the ability to dispute much faster than others and get the maximum result from every cycle, we will target your score and improve it as much as possible to meet your credit goals. Most customers see dramatic results right away and you will too!


Credit Repair Guarantees......


We need you to know and understand that when it comes to credit repair that there is no guarantee of everything that is challenged to disappear from your credit report or public records. Remember that the information is on your report for a reason and that reason is probably most likely because it belongs there!


One Time Credit Sweep ($375 USD)

* Eliminate Collection
* Eliminate Charge-Offs
* Closed Negative Accounts
* Inquiries 


We have developed 3 methods for combating the credit bureaus in a systematic way. There are laws that prevent credit bureaus from reporting accounts. We explore every single LEGAL method of those to it’s maximum extent. We hold them accountable for their mistakes and give you superior results. Tested, Proven, Efficient.

Credit Repair Program w/ 1/2 Priced Tradeline
($500 USD) 
3 month commitment

* Eliminate Collections

* Eliminate Charge-Offs

* Closed Negative Accounts

* Inquiries ​


This is a 3 month commitment program that GUARENTEE RESULTS!! You get the same quality as the credit sweep package but every month for 3 months ($600 value). Also Included is credit counseling, boost tricks and a half price tradeline provided by us.

Credit Repair Program
w/ Tradeline
($700 USD)
3 month commitment

* Eliminate Collections
* Eliminate Charge-Offs
* Closed Negative Accounts
* Inquiries 

* Tradeline Included 


This is a 3 month commitment program as like the Basic Credit Repair package you get monthly sweeps and credit counseling w/ Boost Tricks. This program comes with a Tradeline added at the end of the program.

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